List of specified and registered programs and family (medicine, assistance)

  1. Preparing a list of requirements and objectives of compiling a questionnaire for compiling patient and family identification files
  2. Preparation of questionnaire structure, patient and family identification file
  3. Prepare a list of programs and methods for identifying patients without records and implement identification programs
  4. Preparation of membership card information structure and preparation and production of membership card or alternative mechanized method

Proposed programs focused on organizational structure, working groups and scientific committees, clinics and patient counseling

  1. Neuromuscular Therapy Society: Classification, identification and formation of specialized scientific committees and working groups (including neuromuscular, genetics, rehabilitation, lung, heart, orthopedics, psychology, nutrition, traditional medicine, laboratories, occupational therapy and rehabilitation centers, etc.) In the form of core members and partners
  2. Definition of regulations for identification and approval of membership of natural and legal persons in the neuromuscular treatment community
  3. Identify the real and legal members of the province and form provincial subcommittees
  4. Standardize the process of identifying and diagnosing the disease for all involved or related patients
  5. Prepare and provide a directory of patient guides regarding approved centers or have a service memorandum
  6. Signing a contract and memorandum of understanding with service centers
  7. Identify the diagnostic, service and treatment needs of patients, identify the capacity to provide services and plan to match supply and demand
  8. Forming and managing the implementation of special support and semi-support plans
  9. Refer specific and complex topics to relevant experts and provide solutions

Proposed programs focused on information and public relations and social communication (community-patients-family-treatment community)

1.Establish a secretariat and a formal correspondence structure

2.Creating and strengthening social communication networks

2-1 site
2-2.Telegram channel

2-3. Telegram Group

2-4.Instagram page

3.Continuous maintenance and updating of site content

4.Electronic implementation of programs of other axes

4-1. Electronic collection of registry information

4-2. Charity Electronic Payment

4-3. Help portal

4-4. Informing the support and rights of patients and families

4-5. Informing the content of education and research

4-6. Communicating the structure and organization of therapy / counseling

5.Manage and update content and social media

5-1. Gathering content needs and required educational materials and frequently asked questions

5-2. Documenting and informing the news and conditions of patients and families and documenting the activities of the association

5-3. Providing world news and information and medical advances and translation and information

5-4. Preparation of graphic content and educational motion graphics

5-5. Answering case and patient questions of patients and families

5-6. Continuous review of news and related events and occasions and their timely reflection

5-7. Informing and supporting the treatment process of patients

5-8. Public opinion polls and member satisfaction management

5-9. Informing the results of the association’s performance as well as the effective actions of other organizations and managers

5-10. Establish understanding and resolve misunderstandings, suspicions, espionages and address criticism and suggestions

5-11. Effective review and reporting of feedback on actions and activities in the community

5-12. Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual reports

6. Forming a network of partners and attracting cooperation and gathering information of partners

7. Forming a skill network and employment of patients

8. Sending SMS or even making calls to attract members or inform important news

9. Preparation and distribution of magazines (quarterly / monthly / periodical) and publishing books and CDs

10. Advertising and art services

11. Non-electronic communications

11-1.Establishing effective communication and participation in mass media (Radio and Television, Aparat, Filimo, …) (Investigating news capacities to appear in the national media)

11-2. Establish effective communication with journalists, news agencies and popular cyberspace and press and prepare a database

11-3. Effective communication with associations and activists in the field abroad

11-4. Correspondence with institutions and devices in order to obtain facilities and facilities

11-5. Participate in important domestic and sometimes foreign related events

11-6. Participate in exhibitions

11-7. Holding events and educational programs for patients and families

11-8. Interview programs with board members and other positions and field activists

11-9. Speech 12. Follow up and hold board meetings

Proposed programs focus on financing, revenue generation and assistance

1. Form, classify and prioritize the supportive needs of the patient community and their families

2. Prepare a written plan for revenue generation plans and follow up their implementation

3. Prepare an advertising program to attract donors and charitable donations and implement these programs

4. Connect with existing charities and receive support

5. Creating and managing the community structure of colleagues, including documentarians, helpers, etc.

List of proposed programs based on facilities, support and follow-up of patients’ rights

1. Identify all governmental and non-governmental supporting and legislative or executive authorities and identify the demands and support expected from each

2. Prioritize and plan specifically to communicate with each client

3. Gathering requests and suggestions for legal and service support for patients and their families

4. Implement support interaction programs and their continuous follow-up

5. Identifying government and non-government service delivery centers and concluding support contracts and memoranda

List of proposed programs focused on education and research

1. Preparing a list of topics and educational priorities required by the treatment community, required by patients and required by patients’ families and required by the whole community

2. Preparation of educational and scientific content

3. Conducting continuous research and preparing domestic and international scientific news content

4. Approve news and translation content

5. Holding events from live thematic interviews with experts to conferences and …

6. Summarize and write the content of the interviews

7. Collection of foreign and domestic scientific content, including relevant articles, dissertations and books

8. Translation and reproduction (preparation of aggregate content such as books or scientific archives)

9. Provide research requirements and present and align research topics with universities and research centers

10. Scientific supervision and approval of graphic content, texts, news and mouse prepared for publication